Books-the space between
Advanced Facilitation by Trevor Bentley and Howard Boorman.
Taking facilitation to new levels of effectiveness, by working with group process and group dynamics in new and powerful ways.
Creative Consulting™ – Consulting with a Gestalt focus by Trevor Bentley and Howard Boorman.
Most organisational problems are caused by human frailties and an inability of many people to build strong relationships or to work with ambiguity and uncertainty. In this booklet we explore how a Gestalt approach support external or internal consultants and their clients to work much more effectively to support improved relationships and higher performance.
Moments of Leadership™ – Leadership with a Gestalt focus by Trevor Bentley and Howard Boorman.
The difference between the role of leaders and the act of leadership is described in such a way that it becomes possible to believe that it is within everyone’s grasp to lead. By looking at leadership as a process, rather than a role, the authors show how it is as much the context and circumstances that define leadership as it is the people involved. The opportunity for leadership arises from moment to moment and it is those who recognise and grasp the leadership moment who triumph.
Excerpts from a review of Moments of Leadership, by Robert Farrands J.D., Ph.D. (as published in Gestalt Review 09, Volume 13 – Number One, Gestalt International Study Center):"Deserves attention for the way in which it explains how the authors have drawn on their membership of a Gestalt community to develop their own approach . . . My copy of this book is covered with my own notes. Clearly I have been provoked and stimulated. I wonder what it would be like if I was to try to set out in 20,000 words precisely what I believed about leadership – perhaps all practitioners should try? Reading this book, pen in hand, would be a good place to start."
Other books by partners of the space between
A Touch of Magic by Trevor Bentley. In the fast changing, complex business world of today, different organisational practices are needed to keep up. This book is about a unique and highly effective way forward; exploring the magic of contact, complexity, creativity and chaos, and how leaders and consultants can tap into these things to create magic of their own.
Excerpts from a review of A Touch of Magic by Linda Norman (as published in HR Monthly, June 2004):
“Focuseson our psychological interactions and relationships with others. Bentley encourages us to experiment and explore, be aware of our own and other people’s boundaries and to look for balance in relationships. (The book offers) different perspectives and contains a number of insights that may interest senior organisational coaches and facilitators who work with individuals and teams.”
Creativity by Trevor Bentley. Innovation and creativity are two of the most important business skills. Organisations are looking for significant growth, not just marginal improvements, and need innovative ideas and creative approaches at every stage. This book shows you how to get your team to explore problems from different angles and to foster a creative environment.
Facilitation by Trevor Bentley. Being a facilitator means helping groups and individuals work together in continually different situations.
Chapter by chapter, this book follows a real-life workshop facilitated by Trevor and Howard, from the workshop’s inception to completion.
In this way you're provided with living examples and illustrations of the high and low points of facilitation in practice.
Parsifal Stories by Trevor Bentley. Executive coaching as an art form combines a lifetime of experience, an understanding of psychology and wisdom. In this book you can see how a coaching master, the wizard Parsifal from Arthurian legend, works with this art form. Often it seems there's a touch of magic as Parsifal works with the CEO and executive team, King Arthur and his courtiers.
Teamwork by Trevor Bentley. A practical ‘how to’ book with a series of exercises for new and established teams. This book is designed to help teams discover new dimensions and their fullest potential.
Culture Shock! Philippines
“I would recommend this guide to all who plan to travel to the
Now What? by Kirsten Brumby. A step by step approach to land your new job or career. For more information click here.
An Impossible Dream by Peter Campbell. Through vivid descriptions and introspective reflection, An Impossible Dream portrays the physical, emotional and psychological challenges Peter faced as he undertook the epic 800km walk along the Camino, the relationships formed along the way, and the spiritual questions asked and answered. Peter also looks back at the cultural and religious conflicts of the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages, and reflects on the history of the Crusades, the Knights Templar, the legendary El Cid, and more, drawing comparisons with now.
Placing an order
Advanced Facilitation, Creative Consulting and Moments of Leadership are published through and can be obtained as hard copies or e-books directly from the Lulu or can be ordered directly from us for AUD$20 (plus postage and GST if applicable): Book order.
Culture Shock! Philippines
Now What? is available through Kirsten's website.
An Impossible Dream is available through Amazon in hard copy or as a Kindle book and can be ordered here.
All other books published by the space betweenretail in A
A number of other books by the partners or past partners of the space betweenhave been released by other publishers, including:
By Trevor Bentley
Bridgingthe Performance Gap(Gower)
EffectivePerformance Appraisals (Spiro Press)
SharpenYour Team’s Skills in Effective Selling(T. McGraw-Hill)
By Sue Clayton (now Sue Congram)
SharpenYour Team’s Skills in Developing Strategy(McGraw-Hill)
SharpenYour Team’s Skills in Supervision (McGraw-Hill)
By Trevor and Sue:
Profiting from Diversity (Gower)
If you'd like a copy of any of these books and can't find them through your local bookseller or on-line, please contact Howard we will endeavour to obtain a copy for you.